Live Well Photoshoots Week #2

The first two days were delightful! We worked on milk substitutes (it drives us crazy to call them nut milk as they are not milk), colourful smoothies and banana ice cream with ALL the toppings. We tweaked a few recipes and tried new combinations of flavours. We had a few stressful moments but nothing we couldn't handle. Shauna made “ants on a log” for me for the first time ever! It was one of her favourite childhood snacks that her mom and grandma used to make.

The last day was intense, as we got into a little conversation about salad dressings. Ali is Team No Oil, and Shauna is Team Oil (we know those team names sound terrible). The modern restaurant culture has made everyone believe that we need to load everything with oil to make food taste good. The classic salt, fat, acid...and in North America, also sugar! Most people attribute it to the Mediterranean diet, but the northern version we practice doesn't always choose good quality olive oil and exercise moderation. Most dishes just call for cheap vegetable oil to substitute the protein calories and make plantbased dishes more “filling” on smaller portions.

Our goal is to break the norm and promote a new way of eating. One that prioritizes flavour and health over misinformation and junk food. The biggest misconception of all is that healthy food tastes like hospital food. If that is what you think, we’d love to have the opportunity to guide you through your kitchen, so you can experience the bounty of flavours, colours and textures that fruits and veggies have to offer! Our biggest goal with this book is to introduce as many people as possible to this energized, vibrant and happy way of living! Are you willing to give it a try and join us?

Join us behind the scenes through our Youtube channel, blog and newsletter, we're doing our best to capture everything about the creative process through video, photos and writing. And we'd love to read your comments and feedback along the way!


Live Well Photoshoots Week #3


Live Well Photoshoots Week #1